When all hands join to grow the family business

//When all hands join to grow the family business

When all hands join to grow the family business

Like every year, congregation and youth of ISKCON Punjabi Bagh have joined hands and are working shoulder to shoulder for the most important activity of Srila Prabhupada’s book distribution. Our beloved Founderacarya Srila Prabhupada always stressed upon the importance of book distribution and used to often say that it is our society’s family business to print and distribute as many books as possible in as many languages as possible.

ISKCON Punjabi Bagh is always a leading temple in book distribution globally over last several years, distributing more than 2.5 lac copies last year. Every department has taken a pledge and are working hard in the chilly winters of Delhi to achieve its target.

ISKCON Youth Forum have a target of 25,000 Bhagavad Gitas and have been distributing books in Rajasthan and Haryana. Further, there are plans for approaching NGOs, Universities for this months distribution. The travelling book distribution party has also distributed 25,000 gitas already in areas such as Dehradun, Roorkee, Agra, Sagar(Madhya Pradesh) and Nagpur(Maharashtra). The congregation members have also been taking out book distribution teams and been distributing books in markets, parks and different public places
