Celebrating Bhagavd Gita

//Celebrating Bhagavd Gita

Celebrating Bhagavd Gita

Gita jayanti Yagya was organised at ISKCON Punjabi Bagh for world peace and happiness on 3rd Dec 2022 in which all 700 verses were chanted. The yagya saw participation from more than 1000 devotees. After the yagya, a special class on Bhagavad Gita, its history, relevance, purpose and application by HH Prabhodananda Swami Maharaja who esp visited from Vrindavan for this occasion. A wonderful feast prasadam was served to all the devotees, guests and visitors after the class.

The Bhagavad Gita is said to be the essence of all vedic knowledge guiding any sincere seeker in life with purpose, direction and progressive development. Srila Prabhupada(Founder Acharya of ISKCON) translated Bhagavad Gita in English which is being distributed in millions by devotees around the world during this month of gita Jayanti. ISKCON Punjabi Bagh is targeting to distribute 4 lakh Bhagavad Gita
