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Sri Visvarupa Mahotsava 29th Sept 2023

Today is a very sacred day in our line. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa and began to search for his brother Visvarupa. While searching, on this day He found out that he was in Pandarapur, and that he had left his body. He had taken samadhi on the bank of the river Bhima. Then, on this day, though Mahaprabhu was observing Caturmasya-vrata very strictly for four months, He shaved his hair. Before this year, He never shaved for these four months, nor did He cut his nails. He observed all the rules and regulations of Caturmasya.

Acceptance of Sannyasa by Srila Prabhupada 29th Sept 2023

“One night, Abhay had an unusual dream. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta appeared before him, beckoning. He was asking Abhay to leave home and take sannyasa. Abhay awoke in an intensely emotional state, “How horrible!” He thought. He knew it was not an ordinary dream, yet the request seemed so difficult and unlikely. Take sannyasa! At least it was not something he could do immediately. Now he had to improve the business, and with the profits he would print books. He went on with his duties, but remained shaken by the dream.” (Satwarup Goswami. 1980. Prabhupada Lilamrta. Page 118.)