Graduation Ceremony

//Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony

9 months of deep study and many examinations later, a batch of over 43 devotees at ISKCON Punjabi Bagh completed the Bhakti Shastri course. The course started in May 2023 and reached its culmination in January 2023. On May 10, 2023, after confirmation of fulfillment of all requirements, degrees were issued to all the new Bhakti Shastris at the temple in the presence of HH Bhakti Karunamayi Vanamali Maharaj.

Bhakti Sastri course is the systematic study of four books: Bhagavad Gita, Nectar of Instruction, Nectar of Devotion and Isopanisad

By undertaking the Bhakti Sastri course, individuals aim to cultivate a deeper connection with God and develop a firm foundation in the teachings of the Vaishnava tradition. The course provides a comprehensive study of spiritual knowledge and practices, enabling students to strengthen their personal relationship with Krishna and apply the principles of devotional service in their daily lives.
