Time to put on Marathon Shoes

//Time to put on Marathon Shoes

Time to put on Marathon Shoes

That time of the year is here again! Time for our Family Business – the business to serve Prabhupada by distributing his transcendental literature. This year the devotees have a great opportunity to stretch their capabilities amongst the continuing Pandemic. While for the masses at general, this is a time of restriction, for the Punjabi Bagh devotees this is a liberating time entailing more prayers and surrender. With the same zest as each year, the devotees desire to not let the pandemic mellow down the distribution.

In preparation, many alternate methods to distribute books while staying physically safe are being contemplated by our book distribution leadership team. Punjabi Bagh temple community has been one of the best distributing teams worldwide, and by the blessings of all senior Vaishnavas, it will endeavor to inspire all this year as well.
