Value Education Olympiad -2022’s Buzz (30th Sept)

//Value Education Olympiad -2022’s Buzz (30th Sept)

Value Education Olympiad -2022’s Buzz (30th Sept)

How do we address a problem? And a problem like climate change? Well, there can be many approaches. One of the effective approaches is to address the root of the problem. To make an external impact requires inner work on Values. VEO brings the two together. Inner Values and External Impact!

VEO is an online program designed around 6 values (Altruism, Trustworthiness, Equity, Justice, Integrity and Honesty) from Bhagawat Gita to address modern environmental challenges. Organised by ISKCON in collaboration with the UN Environment Program and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Govt of India) , the olympiad is scheduled to take place on 16th Oct and is creating buzz among school students for the olympiad, practicals and exciting prizes.

The participants are scheduled to appear for an online 1hr exam on 16th oct. They are also ideating, creating or implementing a solution to any of the environmental challenges. Top scorers in each category of classes 5th-8th and classes 9th-12 will win a laptop, firefox bicycle, kindle and 50 consolation prizes. The program is entirely free for students and is being hosted on

Last year, 2,30,000 students from 15 countries participated. 2,00,000 trees were planted by students of Ekal Vidyalaya. This year it’s happening Bigger and Better.
