Watering the little saplings (Launch of VEO 2022)

//Watering the little saplings (Launch of VEO 2022)

Watering the little saplings (Launch of VEO 2022)

Value education starts from home and it continues throughout the life, but imparting value education in schools plays a major part in a child’s life. Value based education helps in character building, personality development and spiritual development of a child. Value education is rooted in Indian philosophy and culture and ingrained in every tradition of Indian culture. Our country has always lived in cohesion with our humane and spiritual values.
In today’s day and age, where children are completely dependent on technology, have an attention span of about 20 seconds and have somewhere lost a sense of purpose, value education is a real need of the hour. After reaching out to 2,30,000 students last year, we are launching the program on 1st August 2022. This year, we are pleased that we have got our support from Faith for Earth Councilor, MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, Forest and Climate. We wish to celebrate Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav by contributing towards creating awareness for environment and right values to be a good citizen of a country
