Volunteer Seva Form

/Volunteer Seva Form
Volunteer Seva Form2023-08-10T10:31:11+00:00


Embrace the Spirit of Janmashtami – Volunteer with services!

Sri Krishna Janmashtami is one of the dearest festival to devotees’ hearts wherein we celebrate the divine historic appearance of Lord Krishna within this world.

ISKCON ‘s Janmashtami celebrations are known all over the world because devotees come together and in utmost sincerity perform thousands of Krishna Seva together.

Every year, we celebrate this festival with grandeur and devotion. This has been possible because the entire community of devotees come together to organize this festival.

Like every year, we are thrilled to invite you to fill out the forms for Janmashtami seva. If you would like to volunteer in Janmashtami seva at ISKCON Punjabi Bagh, filling out the form is mandatory.

Choose from a list of 43 services of your preferences. 

While we try to allocate services as per devotees preference, this is however not possible in each scenario.

Once the services are allocated, the list will be displayed on the website and heads of each department will also contact the respective team members. 

The contact number of each department head will also be provided so that you can contact them for further details of the program. There will be a separate orientation cum training session for each service.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your enthusiasm, and we can’t wait to celebrate Krishna Janmashtami with you!

Click Here To fill the Volunteer Seva Form